Category Archives: Beauty & Style

Nurturing Nature: How Gardening Nurtures Your Mind, Body, and Soul


Gardening is more than just a hobby—it’s a lifestyle. I know that it sounds a bit dramatic at first, but every passionate gardener will know what I’m talking about. This transformative journey has the power to completely impact and improve every other aspect of your life. Including your physical and mental well-being. No, especially your […]

Garden Alchemy: Transforming Flowers into Luxurious DIY Skincare


It’s no secret that we’re absolutely obsessed with everything flower related. From growing gorgeous plants in our gardens, to using the same beauties in our skincare routines — there is just so much that you can do with them. These delicate blooms are a true powerhouse when it comes to crafting effective and luxurious skincare […]

Revitalize Your Locks: The Magic of Nettle Rinse for Stronger, Healthier Hair


Are you experiencing excessive hair shedding? And no expensive shampoo or rinse seems to help? Luckily, Mother Nature has a solution for you—a nettle rinse. Yes, you’ve read that right. Nettles have been used for hundreds of years for their hair benefits. Especially when it comes to excessive hair loss and an oily scalp. With […]

Nature’s Elixir: Unveiling the Magic of Jojoba Oil for Glowing Skin


If you’re someone who is looking for natural alternatives to expensive skincare products that are filled with chemicals, then look no further than jojoba oil. This oil is a true natural gem—a botanical elixir that has captured the hearts of skincare enthusiasts all around the world. From giving your skin a gorgeous glow to keeping […]

Looking for Natural Ways to Keep Your Summer Tan? Carrot Juice is the Answer!


Summer is synonymous with lazy days basking in the sun, the gentle caress of warm breezes, and, of course, that gorgeous bronzy sun-kissed tan. As the days gradually grow shorter and the season shifts, maintaining that radiant glow is harder and harder to do. Sure, self-tanner is a great option, but sometimes we just don’t […]

Fabulous Ways to Use Green Tea for Healthy and Radiant Skin

If you’re someone who is interested in skincare, you probably already know how important antioxidants are. Especially when it comes to getting that gorgeous glow. However, what should you do when your skin doesn’t tolerate the common antioxidant serums, such as vitamin C? The answer might surprise you — include green tea in your skincare […]

Adaptogens: Nature’s Remedy for Stress and Hormonal Imbalance


In the midst of life’s relentless hustle and bustle, it can be difficult to find a balance between our minds and our bodies, right? Eating healthy is hard as it is, but sometimes our bodies just need an extra boost to get us through the day. Luckily, that’s something nature has already taken care of. […]

The Best Plant-Based Ingredients You Need in Your Skincare Products


In the over-saturated market of skincare products and ingredients, sometimes the simplest answer can also be the best one. And what else could that mean than the ones rooted in the natural world around us? Plant-based skincare ingredients are known for their nourishing skincare properties, which makes them a must-have in your skincare arsenal. However, […]

Natural Teas That Can Help You Deal With Period Cramps


Dealing with the monthly discomfort of period cramps can truly put a damper on your spirits. However, nature comes to the rescue! Just like it always does. And this time, it’s in the form of some delicious and comforting herbal teas. If you prefer a holistic approach to life, then you’ll be thrilled to learn […]

Botanical Gardens Around the World that Any Plant Lover Should Visit


Are you a plant enthusiast and nature lover? Then you probably love to explore new botanical gardens. These gorgeous places are a true haven for everyone who knows how to appreciate the beauty and diversity of plants. They are not only the homes of numerous different plant species from around the world. But they are […]

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