Tag Archives: beauty

Gorgeous, Glowy, and Simple — The Ultimate Beauty Routine for Warm Weather Days


The warm weather is finally here! And I don’t know about you, but I feel like a completely new and rejuvenated woman whenever the first rays of sunshine start to hit my face. Of course, that metamorphosis also includes my beauty routine. Instead of my usual winter aesthetic — a full face of makeup and […]

Glamour Garden Cosmetics: Where Nature Meets Beauty


You already know how much I love to share my passion for beauty and nature with you. To be honest, I don’t know anything else that brings me more joy and passion in life than those two things. And I know that this is the case for so many of our readers. However, have you […]

The Most Romantic Spring Perfumes That Remind Me of a Garden


Picture this: the sun is shining, the flowers are in full bloom, and you’re strolling through a garden filled with the sweetest scents imaginable. Sounds like heaven, right? Spring has something so whimsical about it! Everything looks, smells, and feels just so much better than during the rest of the year. However, there’s a way […]

4 Reasons to Add Face Mist into Your Skincare Routine


A face mist is a great product you can add to your skincare routine if you notice that your skin lacks luster in the middle of the day. Remember, your skin loses water throughout the day. As such, a few spritzes of this product can make a big difference due to its numerous benefits. To […]

The Healing Power of Forest Bathing: What It Is and How It Can Improve Your Overall Wellbeing


In our fast-paced lives, finding moments of peace and connection with nature is rare. But it’s also incredibly essential for our overall wellbeing. One practice that has been gaining popularity in the recent years is called forest bathing. Derived from the Japanese concept of Shinrin-yoku, forest bathing impacts both physical and mental health. And the […]

How Witch Hazel Can Help You With Rashes, Acne, and Sunburns


Hey there, our gorgeous gardening lovers. We’ve prepared a treat for you today, especially if you’re on the lookout for something that could soothe and nourish your skin in the most natural way possible. Can you already guess what the topic we’re talking about is? It’s witch hazel. And this plant-derived skincare ingredient is just […]

Tips for Caring for Dyed Hair


Today, many people dye their hair for various reasons. In fact, several color treatments are now available, including highlights, lowlights, balayage, and gray coverage. These treatments can enhance your appearance. Unfortunately, color-treated hair has undergone oxidation to deposit the dye. As a result, your strands will be different compared to virgin hair. Even so, you […]

Everything You Need to Know about Hair Slugging


Hair slugging is a viral hair treatment on TikTok. Some women who have tried it noted that it improved the condition of their tresses. To be specific, their strands become shinier and stronger. So, is this latest hair care trend right for you? To answer this question, here are some important details about hair slugging. […]

The Most Powerful Skincare Ingredients that Fight Premature Aging


As you know, aging is a natural process of life. However, there are several factors, including your lifestyle and environmental factors, that lead to premature aging. As a result, some women may look older than their actual age. The good news is that there are numerous anti-aging products that can help reduce fine lines, wrinkles, […]

Reasons to Switch to Natural and Organic Skincare Products


Today, more and more people are mindful of the things they apply to their skin. The reason is not only to avoid irritation. Remember, there are numerous reasons to opt for natural skincare. In fact, many beauty brands are offering natural products that are as effective as their synthetic counterparts. So, why should you choose […]

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